Following a swim around Brighton Pier in 2015, Hannah and good friend Charlie were discussing just how good they felt after the swim. This made them wonder if there was a way of bringing this invigorating experience to people who could really benefit from it
The idea took hold and they successfully applied for funding from the University of Leeds. From here, Hannah set up a Sea Swimming for Recovery course with the local Recovery College – an organisation that offers educational courses to help people struggling with mental health problems learn new ways of managing their difficulties.
The courses ran with help from Sea Lanes, a local Brighton business, and volunteers and were deemed a great success. The participants got in the sea and learnt about open water swimming safety and mindfulness.
The courses were described in the Sussex Partnership Membership Matters Newsletter and the Sussex Mindfulness Centre Newsletter.
It was also included in the New Economics Foundation report on the blue new deal.
Everybody found the courses really informative and enjoyable, so Hannah and Charlie considered how to develop their ideas further so even more people may benefit from all the sea has to offer.
Since the original idea in 2017, four further members have joined the team. Dr Mark Harper, OSS advisor, brings his medical expertise and knowledge of the physiological impact of cold water. Charlotte Savins and Sam Milford bring considerable experience in working therapeutically; Charlotte specialises in working with children and Sam with addiction and so help broaden the knowledge and capacity for Sea Sure to support a wide variety of needs.
Finally Fiona Mildner, fresh from her solo channel swimming exploits, has completed the team. Her extensive knowledge of open water swimming and swim coaching underpins the courses at SeaSure.
In late 2019, we registered as an official Community Interest Company and are looking forward to running our first official courses as SeaSure in summer 2020.